13.04.2019It has been a great pleasure to guide our fellow 100 PAX building residents from AIA around in Ørestad. The tour was part of their AIA Europe's Spring 2019 Conference, which was all about livability in Copenhagen. They were looking for unique responses in the city they work in, and we wanted to show what these answers were in Ørestad.
11.04.2019On the HMC vocational school for wood, furniture and interior the focus lies on making sure that these future craftsmen and designers obtain skills that they can keep developing during the rest of their life. Change in their profession will be a certain factor, as it will be for many design professions. It is the innovative approaches of the new buildings in Ørestad, both interior as exterior, that we want to add to these...
06.04.2019For two intense, but exciting days Scaledenmark showed the delegates of LWL a broad array of new development, which is enriching the city of Copenhagen: from Sydhavn and Ørestad, over the harbor, to Nordhavn.
LWL is a German municipal association that has various responsibilities in the social sphere, amongst other providing financial...
WeiterlesenMAX HOFFMANN | GE
22.03.2019Scaledenmark toured the Harbour Cirle as well as Ørestad with delegates of Max Hofmann, a company of architects, investors and developers which has been contributing for over hundred years to very diverse city parts of Hamburg. They have been constructing high quality buildings for commercial, public and residential aims. Residential buildings were the focus of our tour, but through the bicycle ride along the harbor...
WeiterlesenRKD | IRL
20.03.2019Scaledenmark was happy to welcome RKD in Copenhagen, an international firm that is driven by design-led thinking. Their main focus was to learn about the history, financing, economic benefits, timeline and phasing of the Copenhagen harbor and parallel seeing the proposed new development on the site of the old harbor.
24.02.2019Scaledenmark has recently returned from a Guiding Architects meeting in the city of Granada, Andalucía, Southern Spain. The meeting celebrates a very successful year for the network with more than 3.000 tours and almost 36.000 participants discovering the history, cultural context, technical innovation, and sustainable development of buildings and urban spaces across the globe.
The meeting was also focused on educational development and cultural engagement processes. In addition...
Scaledenmark welcomes you to the book launch of Exploring Copenhagen, an urban anthology reflecting on the last 25 years of Copenhagen’s urban development to provide insight into the challenges and successes of its designed-society.
Building on the stories within Exploring Copenhagen, the book launch is the first event of our 2019 speaker series featuring the voices behind the “...
03.12.2018Scaledenmark was proud to present the special lecture “The Øresund Region as a value based cross-national region” to 29 business leaders from across Northern Europe (Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and Sweden) participating in the Swedish Institute Management Programme (SIMP) in Malmö, Sweden.
The Øresund Region is the Nordic countries’ largest and most densely populated metropolitan region. The bi-national Swedish-Danish region began with clear cross-...
26.11.2018Scaledenmark welcomed 19 delegates representing various sectors connected to the Jinan Municipal Transportation Commission for a 2-day, 4-part lecture series outlining the relationship between transportation integration planning and urban sustainable development planning in Denmark.
In order for the delegates to have a better understanding of Denmark’s welfare system, the first lecture presented was “The Danish Person’s Life: Value-Based models for increased completeness and...
15.11.2018Scaledenmark has made a special connection with its JOTUN professional network in Istanbul, Turkey. Following a successful program tour with JOTUN’s Color Design Days in early September, Scaledenmark had the privilege of being invited to present the lecture, “Copenhagen as an Eco-Metropole” to Association of Architects in Private Practice in Istanbul.
The association organizes lectures, conferences and discussion panels for various actors of the architectural profession to...
WeiterlesenINTERNSHIP 2019
05.11.2018We are looking for interns!
Are you a future urban leader? Do you have an interest in graphic communication, sustainability, architecture and urban design?
Scaledenmark is looking for design and communication intern(s) for Spring 2019.
For over ten years, Scaledenmark has provided both public and private organizations with new knowledge on sustainable design strategies that respond to our current public and environmental health challenges. We are...
02.11.2018Exploring Copenhagen’s Urban Transformation
What does it mean to be a Copenhagener? And how has Copenhagen transformed from a city at near bankruptcy to a living model for sustainable green growth?
Copenhagen is ever-evolving, and it has many stories to tell. Released in June 2018, Scaledenmark has published the urban anthology Exploring Copenhagen - a 288-page collection of professional interviews and essays on the last 25 years of urban...
23.10.2018Scaledenmark was proud to host Bauindustrieverband Niedersachsen for a tour focusing on cross-national strategies and value innovation in the Øresund Region. We investigated current and future perspectives for cross-border cooperation between Copenhagen and Malmø including themes such as international investment, cross-regional mobility, shared housing and labor markets, and environmental benchmarks. To be successful, Denmark and Sweden prioritize user-centered processes and goals that have...
19.10.2018Ørestad is one of our most sought-after case studies for our consultancy clients, as the visionary PPP model that helped transformed the district (and Copenhagen at-large) is an extremely attractive case study for smart zoning, transit financing, and asset management for publicly owned, privately managed land development.
Scaledenmark reflected on this planning model and together with Röck Baggenstos navigated the masterplan, neighborhood development, and phasing development...
07.10.2018Scaledenmark was proud to welcome back over 100 delegates from AIX Arkitekter (Sweden) to Copenhagen! This tour is an example of a new approach to offering a large cohort of design professionals a study program in the same city, dividing the study program into four groups with four full-day tours across two separate weekends in October. It was a dynamic way to engage with the architects and engineers from AIX – especially considering the program had a large focus on the Øresund Region...
WeiterlesenBDA – DÜSSELDORF | DE
28.09.2018Scaledenmark welcomed design delegates from BDA -Düsseldorf (Bund Deutscher Architekten) for a study tour focusing on Copenhagen’s approach to livability and blue/green infrastructure. BDA came prepared to investigate Copenhagen’s public and private planning frameworks with the goal of taking their own city and region to the next level to improve everyday livability. Scaledenmark was impressed with their level of interest in Copenhagen’s planning solutions and livability metrics – as well as...
27.09.2018Scaledenmark held an intensive 4-day study tour program with 128 enthusiastic delegates from the architecture and engineering firm, Baurconsult. Focusing on key “blue and green” urban strategies, we highlighted the transformation of Copenhagen’s former industrial areas and progressive waterfront developments critical to the implementation of Copenhagen’s sustainable development goals. We explored the city by foot, bicycle, canal boat, and bus to fully understand the urban infrastructure of...
06.09.2018Scaledenmark held an exciting full study tour program with over 135 international design professionals attending Jotun Colour Design Days in Copenhagen in early September. Scaledenmark’s Bo Chritiansen began the day with the welcome lecture, ”Copenhagen as an Eco-City” to inspire design leaders with Copenhagen’s urban strategies and implementation of sustainable design solutions at various scales. The tour highlighted important urban districts within Copenhagen’s urban redevelopment,...
20.08.2018Copenhagen transformation – from the harbor to public space
This tour focused on the dynamic design principles Copenhagen’s urban transformation, including policy strategies to create the lively, sustainability-focused city we know today. We studied new urban connections, green mobility networks, harbor redevelopment, iconic Danish architecture, and Copenhagen’s transformative eco-city in Nordhavn.